Blog posts : "General"
Preethi successfully defends her PhD dissertation!!!
Preethi Thunga successfully defended her PhD dissertation, entitled 'Using zebrafish behavior to study gene-environment interactions after chemical exposures".
David joins NIEHS as Chief of the Predictive Toxicology Branch (PTB) in the Division of Translational Toxicology (DTT)
David joined NIH/NIEHS/DTT as Chief of the Predictive Toxicology Branch in October 2022.
The Predictive Toxicology Branch (PTB) partners across the NIEHS Division of Translational Toxicology (DTT) to develop and apply innovative approaches to predict human-relevant health effects from agents of …
Dylan joins U.S. EPA as a postdoc in the Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment
Dr. Dylan Wallis is now a postdoc at the U.S. EPA Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment with Dr. Jeffrey Minucci.
Retreat and student exchange with Tanguay Lab
Following a joint scientific retreat with Robyn Tanguay's group at Oregon State University (Including a beautiful waterfall hike!), they generously hosted Preethi Thunga at SARL so that she could gain better understanding of data generation for her dissertation work.
Adrian joins Sciome as a Senior Computational Toxicologist
Dr. Adrian Green has joined Sciome as a Senior Computational Toxicologist.
Preethi selected for A2i program
Preethi Thunga was selected to take part in the Accelerate to Industry (A2i)™program with the NC State Graduate School. This selective program advances professional development skills, with an emphasis on leadership, teamwork, and communication. For more details, see:
David participates in the "From Free Radicals to Key Characteristics" workshop at UC Berkeley
The event brought together experts to celebrate the leadership of Prof. Martyn Smith in developing the "Key Characteristics of Human Carcinogens" and collaborate on future directions for the Key Characteristics approach.…
David participates in NAS workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Open Data Practices in Chemical Hazard Assessment
David served on the planning committee and moderated sessions as part of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Workshops to Support EPA's Development of Human Health Assessments: Artificial Intelligence and Open Data Practices in Chemical Hazard Assessment
Jessie wins 2nd place for her poster at SETAC Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment!
A Novel Approach to Evaluating Disease Risk Through the Incorporation of Machine Learning and Lipidomic Data
Jessie Chappel, Mary King, Rachel DeHoog, Livia S. Eberlin, David Reif, Erin S. Baker
Data Science educational toolkit presented at the Superfund DMAC Quarterly Meeting
The inTelligence And Machine lEarning (TAME) Toolkit for Introductory Data Science, Chemical-Biological Analyses, Predictive Modeling, and Database Mining for Environmental Health Research
David participates in NAS workshop on Triangulation of Evidence in Environmental Epidemiology
David served on the planning committee as part of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Workshops to Support EPA's Development of Human Health Assessments: Triangulation of Evidence in Environmental Epidemiology…
Nnamdi's work on using Bioinformatics to improve health equity featured in Superfund newsletter
Jonathon passes PhD Qual Exam!
Jonathon passed his Bioinformatics Qualifying Exam and is now a candidate for the PhD in Bioinformatics!
David presents to Bioinformatics Users Group (BUGs) + toxpiR now available on High-Performance Computing Cluster
David presented on software options available for ToxPi to the university-wide Bioinformatics Users Group (BUGs). Thanks to Lisa Lowe for installing and documenting the new toxpiR package on the HPC cluster (Github link).
Links to all versions of ToxPi are available at
David part of Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC) for "Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Systematic Review Protocol"
On April 19-21, 2022, EPA held a public virtual meeting of the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC) to peer review the draft Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Systematic Review Protocol. This protoc…
Nnamdi Osakwe passes PhD Qual Exam!
Nnamdi passed his Bioinformatics Qualifying Exam and is now a candidate for the PhD!
Preethi presents at SOT
Preethi presented a poster at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) annual meeting in San Diego:
"Using zebrafish behavior to reveal gene-environment interactions underlying population susceptibility differences after chemical exposure"
Preethi Thunga, Lisa Truong, Yvonne Rericha, Warren Anderson, …
Dylan presents at SOT
Dylan presented a poster at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) annual meeting in San Diego:
"Using High-throughput Screening to Identify Genetic Mechanisms of Individual Susceptibility Differences"
Dylan Wallis, Jane La Du, Preethi Thunga, Lisa Truong, Robyn L Tanguay, David M Reif