KT To, L Truong, S Edwards, RL Tanguay, DM Reif (2019) Multivariate modeling of engineered nanomaterial features associated with developmental toxicity, NanoImpact.
KT To, L Truong, S Edwards, RL Tanguay, DM Reif (2019) Multivariate modeling of engineered nanomaterial features associated with developmental toxicity, NanoImpact.
Truong, L.; Zaikova, T.; Baldock, B.L.; Balik-Meisner, M.; To, K.; Reif, D.M.; Kennedy, Z.C.; Hutchison, J.E.; Tanguay, R.L. “Systematic determination of the relationship between nanoparticle core diameter and toxicity for a…
Neonatal mice exposed to a high-fat diet in utero influence the behaviour of their nursing dam.
Baptissart M, Lamb HE, To K, Bradish C, Tehrani J, Reif D, Cowley M.
Proc Biol Sci. 2018 Nov 14;285(1891). pii: 20181237. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1237.
Kim To presented a seminar entitled "Developmental Toxicity of Engineered Nanomaterials in Zebrafish Embryos" at the BioLunch Seminar Series.
Kimberly T. To, Rebecca C. Fry, David M. Reif. Characterizing the effects of missing data and evaluating imputation methods for chemical prioritization applications using ToxPi. BioData Mining. 2018.
Marvel SW, To K, Grimm FA, Wright FA, Rusyn I, Reif DM. ToxPi Graphical User Interface 2.0: Dynamic exploration, visualization, and sharing of integrated data models. BMC Bioinformatics. 2018 Mar 5;19(1):80. doi: 10.1186/s12859-018-2089-2. PubMed PMID: 29506467.